A warm welcome also from us in New Zealand to Jocelyn and her family. In response to Hillary's recent email welcoming Jocelyn to the binniefamily email list, Gill and I dug up this photo, which was originally extracted from Anne's album prior to our Lebanon visit in 1997. It's dated on the reverse, "Sep. 1996" and was taken during Anne (Binnie) and Aunt Maud's visit to the United States (Philadelphia and California). Click on the photo to see a larger version. We think it's Madeleine's writing on the back, which identifies the following:
L to R
Maud, Helene, Anne, (Bishara sitting), Nohad, Mad, Labebe, Jocelyn (sitting)
In my family tree, I have Nohad/Nouhad as the daughter of Nassima Wakim. Is this correct - now I'm not sure at all. Also, I wonder how Jocelyn's father Elias Makhoul fits in to the family? Is he related to Anis Makhoul and Amal Francis? There seems to be an extra generation in there somewhere.
Jocelyn, you are welcome to check the Binnie-Mansour Family Tree, although you will need to email me for a password to get into the site. There are plenty more photos there, many of them old ones from Lebanon in the 1940s to the 1960s, and your family may be able to identify some of the people in them. I hope so.
Hillary - thanks for the emails. It's always nice to catch up with our American cousins, and Gill and I appreciate your efforts at this too. I will post some more photos of our Lebanese cousins shortly, so watch this space.
Love from us all, Brett, Gill, Lesley, Camilla, Louise and Hannah