The first photo was taken outside the Townsend house at Kawhia, as we were setting out for Kiritehere beach, just south of the tiny settlement of Marokopa, an hour and a half's drive or so south-east of John's farm.
Here are John and Chloe, clambering over rocks as we make our way to the southern end of the beach on an outgoing tide.
The fossils weren't tricky to find - in fact once we got to the right spot, it was difficult to find a rock which didn't have any! This shot of one of the first decent ones I found, together with my geological hammer, which has been gathering dust - well it would have been if it wasn't in a box - on the storeroom/office shelves. The fossils here are brachiopods - according to the article from the NZ Journal of Geology & Geophysics that I sourced on the net, it could be one of several species, so I can't be more precise.
Gill, Hannah and John, searching at the base of a rather spectacular cliff face ...
... and another find brachipod specimen.
This one from a shell bed!
As the tide went out, more rocks were exposed, but these held more living sea life than fossils.
Chloe, John and Felicity, 'rationalizing' their fossil collection.
The Payne and Townsend children clambering on the rocks.
As the sun started to get lower in the sky, we turned back towards the car. Hannah here is laden with finds. Lesley unfortunately dropped her digital camera in a rock pool which put something of a dampener on proceedings - electronic equipment and seawater don't mix, as I found out with my cell phone a few years ago.
Back at the cars again ... John & Toby Townsend
Then it was back past the beachside village of Marokopa ...
... to Kawhia village, a stop at the fish and chip shop before settling in at The Blue Chook - children welcomed - (note the clucking chicken on the bar counter in the background) for a good feed and a couple of drinks.